

劉國基 教授

  • 學歷:成功大學機械工程博士
  • 專長:熱傳技術、節能技術、空調工程、氣壓控制
  • 電話:(06)597-9566#5839
  • Emailkcliu@mail.feu.edu.tw


  • 成功大學 機械工程博士

1999.9 - 2002.11

  • 國立台灣大學農工所機械組碩士

1983.9 - 1985.6


  • 遠東科技大學  機械工程系   教授

2007.02 -

  • 遠東科技大學   機械系       副教授

2003.01 - 2007.01

  • 遠東技術學院   機械系       講師

1999.08 - 2002.12

  • 遠東工專      機械科       講師

1989.08 - 1999.07

  • 臺灣製鹽總廠               機械工程師

1988.09 - 1989.05

  • 南榮工專     機械工程科   講師 

1987.09 - 1988.07


  1. 生物熱傳分析
  2. 逆向熱傳分析
  3. 能源節約
  4. 空調工程

證照 / 證書

  1. 冷凍空調技師高考及格
  2. 冷凍空調修護乙級技術士
  3. 數值控制車床乙級技術士
  4. 氣壓乙級技術士
  5. 熱處理乙級技術士
  6. word2010專業證照
  7. Excel2010專業證照
  8. ISO 14064-1溫室氣體盤查主導查證員


  1. Kuo-Chi Liu, Jin-Sheng Leu (2023, Feb). Heat transfer analysis for tissue with surface heat flux based on the non-linearized form of the three-phase-lag model. Journal of Thermal Biology, 112, 103436. (SCIE).
  2. Han-Taw Chen, Ming-Hsun Hsu, Kai-Chen Yang, Kuei-Hao Chang, Kuo-Chi Liu (2022, Dec). Study of inverse natural convection-conduction heat transfer for in-line tube heat exchanger in a hot box with experimental data. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 141, 104600. (SCI).
  3. Kuo-Chi Liu, Tse-Min Chen (2021, May). Comparative study of heat transfer and thermal damage assessment models for hyperthermia treatment. Journal of Thermal Biology, 98, 102907 . (SCIE).
  4. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yu-Ching Yang (2020, Oct). Numerical analysis of local non-equilibrium heat transfer in layered spherical tissue during magnetic hyperthermia. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, 23, 968–980. (SCIE).
  5. Wen-Lih Chen, Kuo-Chi Liu, Yu-Ching Yang, Haw-Long Lee and Win-Jin Chang (2020, Aug). Inverse estimation of cooling heat flux in spray cooling of hot surface based on dual-phase-lag model. International Journal of Computational Method, 17 1950069-1~20. (SCIE).
  6. Kuo-Chi Liu and Po-Jen Cheng (2019, Dec). Numerical analysis of power dissipation requirement in magnetic hyperthermia problems. Journal of Thermal Biology, 86, 102430-1~8. (SCIE).
  7. Kuo-Chi Liu and Fong-Jou Tu (2019, Jun). Numerical solution of bioheat transfer problems with transient blood temperature. International Journal of Computational Methods, 16( 4) 1843001-1~12. (SCIE).
  8. Han-Taw Chen, Yi-Lun Hsieh, Ping-Chou Chen, Yi-Fan Lin, Kuo-Chi Liu (2018, Dec). Numerical simulation of natural convection heat transfer for annular elliptical finned tube heat exchanger with experimental data. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, 541-554. (SCI).
  9. Kuo-Chi Liu, Tse-Min Chen (2018, Nov). Analysis of the thermal response and requirement for power dissipation in magnetic hyperthermia with the effect of blood temperature. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126, 1048–1056. (SCI).
  10. Han-Taw Chen, Kuo-Chi Liu, Xiao-Jie Xu and Tsu-Hsiang Lin (2017, Feb). Analytical study for the estimation of thermal properties of processed meat based on hyperbolic heat conduction model. Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 25, 41–56. (SCI).
  11. Kuo-Chi Liu, Han-Taw Chen, and Yan-Nan Wang (2017, Feb). An inspection to the hyperbolic heat conduction problem in processed meat. Thermal Science, 21, 303-308. (SCIE).
  12. Kuo-Chi Liu, Han-Taw Chen, Po-Jen Cheng (2016, Dec). Inverse investigation of non-Fourier heat conduction in tissue . Journal of Thermal Biology, 62,123–128. (SCI).
  13. Kuo-Chi Liu, Chien-Nan Lin, Fong-Jou Tu (2016, Oct). Analysis of Thermal Damage in Tissue with Non-Equilibrium Effect. International Journal of Advances in Science Engineering and Technology, 4, 209-213.
  14. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yuen-Shin Chen and Mu-Kai Chen (2016, Aug). Test for thermoelectric self cooling. MATEC Web of Conferences, 71 , 05006. (EI).
  15. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yuen-Shin Chen (2016, May). Analysis of heat transfer and burn damage in a laser irradiated living tissue with the generalized dual-phase-lag model. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 103, 1-9. (SCI).
  16. Kuo-Chi Liu, Han-Taw Chen (2015, Jul). Analysis of the bioheat transfer problem with pulse boundary heat flux using a generalized dual-phase-lag model. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 65, 31–36. (SCI)
  17. Kuo-Chi Liu (2015, Feb). Analysis for high-order effects in thermal lagging to thermal responses in biological tissue. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 81 pp.347–354. (SCI).
  18. Kuo-Chi Liu, Jung-Chang Wang (2014, Apr). Analysis of thermal damage to laser irradiated tissue based on the dual-phase-lag model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 70 pp.621–628. (SCI).
  19. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng, and Jiun-Shen Wang (2014, Apr). Analysis of thermal damage in a laser-irradiated based on the non-Fourier model. IACSIT International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 6, No. 2 pp. 132-136. (EI).
  20. Cheng-Chi Wang, Po-Jen Cheng, and Kuo-Chi Liu (2014, Jan). Flow and stress field analysis of different fluids and blades for fermentation process. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2014, Article ID 623781. (SCIE).
  21. Kuo-Chi Liu, Cheng-Chi Wang, and Po-Jen Cheng (2013, Dec). Nonlinear behavior of thermal lagging in laser-irradiated layered tissue. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 2013, Article ID 732575. (SCIE).
  22. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu (2012, Sep). Hydrodynamic stability of a layer of viscous gravity-driven power-law fluid flow under rotating centrifugal force. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 35(6), 755-766. (SCI).
  23. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yao-Nan Wang, Yuen-Shin Chen (2012, Aug). Investigation on the bio-heat transfer with the dual-phase-lag effect. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 58, 29-35. (SCI).
  24. Chien-Nan Lin, Jau-Min Su, Kuo-Chi Liu (2012, May). Study of heat transfer enhancement for water heater. Advanced Science Letters, 9, 626-630.
  25. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng, David T.W. Lin (2012, May). Effects of the thermal lag ratio on the behavior of bio-heat transfer. Advanced Science Letters, 9, 925-929.
  26. Yuen-Shin Chen, Kuo-Chi Liu (2012, Apr). Analysis of bio-heat transfer using the equation from the DPL model. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 33, 133-140. (SCIE).
  27. Po-Jen Cheng, Chien-Nan Lin, Kuo-Chi Liu (2012, Feb). Nonlinear surface waves of the thin gravity-driven liquid film flows under magnetohydrodynamic field and rotating centrifugal force. Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, 33, 29-37. (SCIE).
  28. Kuo-Chi Liu (2011, Jun). Nonlinear behavior of thermal lagging in concentric living tissues with Gaussian distribution source. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, 2829-2836. (SCI).
  29. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng, Yan-Nan Wang (2011, Mar). Analysis of non-Fourier thermal behaviour for multi-layer skin model. Thermal Science, 15, S61-S67. (SCIE).
  30. M. S. Suen, J. C. Hsieh, Kuo-Chi Liu, David T. W. Lin (2011, Mar). Optimal design of the electrothermal v-beam microactuator based on GA for stress concentration analysis. Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science, 2189, 1264-1268.
  31. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu, David T. W. Lin (2011, Mar). Hydromagnetic stability analysis of a film coating flow down a rotating vertical cylinder. Journal of Mechanics, 27, 27-36. (SCI).
  32. Kuo-Chi Liu, Chien-Nan Lin (2010, Nov). Temperature prediction for tumor hyperthermia with the behavior of thermal wave. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 58(10), 819-833. (SCI).
  33. Kuo-Chi Liu, Chin-Tse Lin (2010, Nov). Solution of an inverse heat conduction problem in bi-layer spherical tissue. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications, 58(10), 802-818. (SCI).
  34. Kuo-Chi Liu,Han-Taw Chen (2010, Jul). Investigation for the dual phase lag behavior of bio-heat transfer. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 49, 1338-1146. (SCI).
  35. Po-Jen Cheng,Kuo-Chi Liu (2009, Apr). Hydromagnetic instability of a power-law liquid film flowing down a vertical cylinder using numerical approximation approach techniques . Applied Mathematical Modelling, 33, 1904-1914. (SCI).
  36. Chin-Tse Lin, Kuo-Chi Liu (2009, Mar). Estimation for the heating effect of magnetic nanoparticles in perfused tissues . International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 36, 241-244 . (SCI).
  37. Kuo-Chi Liu, Han-Taw Chen (2009, Feb). Analysis for the dual-phase-lag bio-heat transfer during magnetic hyperthermia treatment. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer , 52, 1185-1192. (SCI).
  38. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu (2009, Feb). Numerical Analysis of Bio-Heat Transfer in a Spherical Tissue . Journal of Applied Sciences, 9, 962-967.. (EI).
  39. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu, Chieh Kung (2009, Jan). Surface tension effect on nonlinear waves in a thin micropolar liquid film flow down along a vertical cylinder. Journal of Advanced Engineering , 4(1), 33-42. (EI).
  40. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng (2008, Oct). Finite propagation of heat transfer in a multi-layer tissue. AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer , 22(4), 775-782 . (SCI).
  41. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu (2008, Sep). Long-wave perturbation method to investigate nonlinear stability of the thin power law liquid film flowing down on a vertical cylinder. Journal of Mechanics, 24(3), 241-252. (SCI).
  42. Kuo-Chi Liu (2008, May). Thermal propagation analysis for living tissue with surface heating. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 47, 507-513. (SCI).
  43. Kuo-Chi Liu (2007, Nov). Numerical analysis of dual-phase-lag heat transfer in a layered cylinder with nonlinear interface boundary conditions. Computer Physics Communications, 177, 307-314. (SCI).
  44. Kuo-Chi Liu (2007, Oct). Analysis of thermal behavior in multi-layer metal thin-films based on hyperbolic two-step model. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 50, 1397-1407. (SCI).
  45. Kuo-Chi Liu,Yuen-Shin Chen (2006, Oct). Study of nonlinear mesoscopic diffusion with potential field effect. Materials Science & Engineering A, 432, 120-125. (SCI).
  46. Kuo-Chi Liu (2006, Sep). Analysis for microscopic hyperbolic two-step heat transfer problems. International Journal of Thermophysics, 27(2), 596-613. (SCI).
  47. Kuo-Chi Liu (2005, Sep). Analysis of dual-phase-lag thermal behavior in layered films with temperature-dependent interface thermal resistance. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 38, 3722-3732. (SCI).
  48. Kuo-Chi Liu (2005, May). Numerical solutions for the hyperbolic heat conduction problems in a layeredsolid cylinder with radiation surface. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 164, 805-820. (SCI).
  49. Liu, Kuo-Chi and Chen, Han-Taw (2004). Numerical analysis for the hyperbolic heat conduction problem under a pulsed surface disturbance. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 159, 887-901. (SCI).
  50. Chen, Han-Taw and Liu, Kuo-Chi (2003). Study of non-Fickian diffusion problems with the potential field in the cylindrical coordinate. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 57, 637-651. (SCI).
  51. Chen, Han-Taw and Liu, Kuo-Chi (2003). Analysis of non-Fickian diffusion problem in a composite medium. Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 150, pp. 31-42. (SCI).
  52. Chen, Han-Taw and Liu, Kuo-Chi, (2003). Effect of the potential field on non-Fickian diffusion problems in a sphere. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 46, 2809-2818. (SCI).


  1. Kuo-Chi Liu, Zhi-Li Liu, Shih-Han Lu (2023, Apr). Estimation of thermal dose to heat therapy with pulse heating. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, Chiba, Japan.
  2. Kuo-Chi Liu (2022, Jul). Analysis for bioheat transfer with thermoelastic effect. The 13th International Conference on Computational Methods, Clauds, Tailand.
  3. Kuo-Chi Liu, Jia-Yan Cai (2021, Oct). Experimental study for the effect of temperature on thermoelectric moduales. Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering, Hualien, Taiwan.
  4. Kuo-Chi Liu, Chi-Hua Hsu (2020, Nov). Estimation of power dissipation requirement during hyperthermia. 2020 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering, Kinmen, Taiwan.
  5. Kuo-Chi Liu, Qi-hong Chen (2020, Nov). Estimation of power dissipation requirement in hyperthermia treatment. The 7th Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology, Osaka, Japan.. MOST 108-2221-E-269-001.
  6. Kuo-Chi Liu, Cai-Xuan Huang (2019, Dec). Estimation of power dissipation for hyperthermia treatment. 中國機械工程學會第三十六屆全國學術研討會, 台北.
  7. Kuo-Chi Liu, Chien-Nan Lin (2019, Nov). Analysis of bioheat transfer in magnetic hyperthermia based on the generalized dual-phase-lag model. The International Conference of Science and Technology, Pingtung, Taiwan.
  8. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng (2018, Nov). Analysis of the non-equilibrium heat transfer in magnetic hyperthermia. 中國機械工程學會第三十五屆全國學術研討會, 國立中正大學 嘉義縣民雄鄉.
  9. Kuo-Chi Liu, Fong-Jou Tu, Cai-Xuan Huang (2018, Jul). Investigation for non-Fourier heat conduction in NaCHO3. International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Seoul, Korea.
  10. Kuo-Chi Liu, Fong-Jou Tu, Zi-Jie Lin (2018, Jul). Analysis of bio-heat transfer during magnetic hyperthermia. 2018 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
  11. Kuo-Chi Liu, Fong-Jou Tu (2018, Jan). Analysis of the generalized dual-phase-lag model in magnetic hyperthermia. 2018 Hong Kong International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences, Hong Kong.
  12. Kuo-Chi Liu and Fong-Jou Tu (2017, Jul). Numerical solution of a bioheat transfer problem with transient blood temperature. The 8th International Conference on Computational Methods, Guilin, Guangxi, China.
  13. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jeng Cheng, Fong-Jou Tu (2017, Mar). Analysis for Bio-Heat Transfer with Transient Blood Temperature. 2017 Annual Conference on Engineering and Information Technology, Nagoya, Japan.
  14. Kuo-Chi Liu, Chien-Nan Lin, Fong-Jou Tu (2016, Aug). Analysis of Thermal Damage in Tissue with Non-Equilibrium Effect. 61st International Conference on Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Osaka, Japan.
  15. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jeng Cheng, David T.W. Lin (2016, Jul). Analysis of Bio-heat Transfer with Non-constant Blood Temperature. Proceedings of the 1th International Conference on Engineering and Science, Yilan, Taiwan.
  16. Yuen-Shin Chen, Fong-Jou Tu, Kuo-Chi Liu (2015, Dec). Analysis of Bioheat Transfer with the Non-Equilibrium Effect. 中國機械工程學會第三十二屆全國學術研討會.
  17. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yuen-Shin Chen and Mu-Kai Chen (2015, Nov). Experimental Study for Thermoelectric Self Cooling. 2015 The International Conference on Inventions, Taiwan.
  18. Kuo-Chi Liu, Fong-Jou Tu and Po-Jen Cheng (2015, May). Analysis of Heat Transfer in a Pulse Laser-Irradiated Tissue. 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), Osaka, Japan.
  19. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yuen-Shin Chen (2014, Dec). Hyperbolic Heat Conduction Induced with the Initial Temperatures in a Processed Meat. Proceedings of the 31th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering of CSME, Taichung, Taiwan.
  20. Kuo-Chi Liu*, Jia-Yan Cai, and Cheng-Ta Shen (2014, Oct). EXPERIMENTAL STUDY FOR THE PERFORMANCE OF THERMOELECTRIC MODULE. The 2nd International Conference of Multi-Disciplines of Engineering on Advanced Technology and Environmentalism Design, Tainan, Taiwan.
  21. Kuo-Chi Liu, Fong-Jou Tu, Po-Jen Cheng (2014, Jul). Performance Testing of Thermoelectric Module. The 4th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, Sapporo Japan.
  22. Kuo-Chi Liu and Yuen-Shin Chen (2013, Dec). Analysis of Thermal Damage with the Non-Fourier Effect. 中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會, 宜蘭.
  23. Cheng-Chi Wang, Po-Jen Cheng, and Kuo-Chi Liu (2013, Oct). Stress distribution analysis of different types of blade for a fermentation system. 2013 International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference, Nantou, Taiwan.
  24. Kuo-Chi Liu, Cheng-Chi Wang, and Po-Jen Cheng (2013, Oct). Analysis of non-Fourier thermal behavior in layered tissue with pulse train heating. 2013 International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference, Nantou, Taiwan. (EI).
  25. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu, and Cheng-Chi Wang (2013, Oct). Nonlinear evolution of the travelling waves in roll coating flows of thin viscoelastic polymer falling films. 2013 International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference, Nantou, Taiwan. (EI).
  26. Ching-Chang Cho, Yu-Lin Chang, Kuo-Chi Liu (2012, Sep). Numerical investigation into mixed electroosmotic flow and pressure-driven flow in microchannels with wavy surface. 6th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Vienna, Austria.
  27. Po-Jen Cheng,Kuo-Chi Liu (2012, Jun). Linear surface waves in roll coating flows of thin viscoelastic polymer liquid films using power-series approximation approach techniques. 2012 International Symposium on Computer, Consumer and Control, Taichung, Taiwan..
  28. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yuen-Shin Chen (2011, Nov). Investigation of Bio-Heat Transfer with Micro-Structural Interaction Effect. The 35th National Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Tainan.
  29. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng, I-Peng Chu (2010, Dec). Analysis of bio-heat transfer with the micro-structural effect. Proceedings of the 27th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering , Taipei.
  30. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng, Yan-Nan Wang (2010, Jun). Analysis of non-Fourier thermal behaviour for multi-layer skin model. The 3rd International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, Shanghai, China.
  31. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu, Chien-Nan Lin (2010, Jun). Magnetohydrodynamic field on nonlinear waves of a thin electrically conducting micropolar liquid film flow down a vertical column. 2010 International Symposium on computer, Communication, Control and Automation, Tainan, Taiwan.
  32. Chin-Tse Lin, Kuo-Chi Liu (2010). Analysis of thermal response in a tissue based on thermal wave model. 2010 International Symposium on computer, Communication, Control and Automation, Tainan, Taiwan.
  33. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yuen-Shin Chen, Jen-Chieh Li (2009, Dec). Analysis of the non-fourier bio-heat transfer problem . International Conference on Mechatronic System of Integration and Application, Tainan, Taiwan.
  34. Cho-Yu Yang, Kuo-Chi Liu, I-Peng Chu, David T.W. Lin, Chin-Hsiang Cheng (2009, Oct). The temperature optimization of high power LED array. Proceedings of ASCHT09 2nd Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Jeju, Korea.
  35. C.Y. Liu, David. T.W. Lin, K.C. Liu (2009, Jul). The analysis of the thermal structure conjugated problem of the percutaneous laser disc decompression. 20th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena (ISTP20, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  36. Po-Jen Cheng, Kuo-Chi Liu, I-Peng Chu (2008, Dec). Perturbation analysis on surface tension effect to hydrodynamic stability of a thin micropolar liquid film flow traveling down a vertical cylinder. The 25th National Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Chang Hwa.
  37. 劉國基,歐陽諺震,賴長宏(202312月)。具有熱彈性效應的生物熱傳分析。中國機械工程學會第四十屆全國學術研討會,彰化市。
  38. 劉國基、盧詩翰劉國基、盧詩翰,(2023, 11)。脈衝熱治療的溫度反應與熱劑量估算,中華民國力學學會第四十七屆全國力學會議,雲林縣虎尾鎮。(202311月)。脈衝熱治療的溫度反應與熱劑量估算。中華民國力學學會第四十七屆全國力學會議,雲林縣虎尾鎮。
  39. 劉國基,劉致利(202304月)。雷射熱治療的功耗需求探討。台灣機電工程國際學會第八屆全國學術研討會,高雄國際會議中心 高雄市。
  40. 劉國基、塗豐州(202212月)。熱消融治療的等效熱劑量評估。中國機械工程學會第 39 屆全國學術研討會,苗栗市。
  41. 劉國基、塗豐州(202211月)。熱療過程的熱彈效應分析。中華民國力學學會第四十六屆全國力學會議,高雄。
  42. 劉國基,黃晢文(202112月)。生物組織中三相滯後熱傳遞行為分析。中國機械工程學會第三十八屆全國學術研討會,
  43. 劉國基、陳其宏(202011月)。組織再生對熱療中熱傷害的效應探討。中國機械工程學會第三十七屆全國學術研討會,雲林縣虎尾鎮。
  44. 劉國基、鄭博仁(201802月)。腫瘤磁熱療的局部非平衡熱傳遞分析。台灣機電工程國際學會第一屆第三次年會暨全國學術研討會,台南。
  45. 劉國基、塗豐洲(201712月)。局部非平衡生物熱傳遞問題的分析。中國機械工程學會第三十四屆全國學術研討會,台中。
  46. 劉國基、鄭博仁(201612月)。非恆定血液溫度對熱治療的效應分析。中國機械工程學會第三十三屆全國學術研討會,新竹。
  47. 蔡佳延、劉國基、林朝偉、劉建宏(201411月)。熱電模組發電性能的溫度效應研究。中華民國力學學會第三十八屆全國力學會議, 國立臺灣海洋大學,基隆市。
  48. 塗豐州、劉國基(201410月)。方型空間中具柱狀體之雙擴散混合對流之分析。2014 第九屆全國氫能與燃料電池學術研討會暨第一屆台灣能源學會年會,台南。。
  49. 劉國基、陳沐鍇(201312月)。熱電轉換驅動自冷卻裝置的實驗研究。中國機械工程學會第三十屆全國學術研討會,宜蘭。
  50. 吳皇霖、劉國基、王榮昌(201308月)。數值模擬切削液槽中雜質的流動及沉澱現象。第 20 屆計算流體力學研討會,南投。
  51. 吳皇霖、劉國基、王榮昌(201304月)。發電晶片的製程與性能之探討。中華民國燃燒學會第23屆學術研討會,新竹。
  52. Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng,I-Peng Chu201212月)。Thermal behavior in layered tissue with continued pulse heatingThe 29th National Conference on Mechanical EngineeringKaohsiung, Taiwan
  53. 鄭博仁,劉國基,朱弋鵬(201212月)。聚合物滾筒塗裝非線性液膜表面波效能分析。中國機械工程學會第二十九屆學術研討會,高雄。
  54. 劉國基,鄭博仁,朱弋鵬(201112月)。生物材料熱傳遞行為的逆向探討。第二十八屆機械工程研討會,台中。
  55. 鄭博仁,劉國基,朱弋鵬(201112月)。滾筒塗裝黏彈性液膜之液動穩定性分析。中國機械工程學會第二十八屆學術研討會,台中。
  56. 劉國基,陳遠新,林田葳(201011月)。腫瘤磁熱治療的溫度反應分析。中華民國力學學會第三十四屆全國力學會議,雲林。
  57. I-Peng Chu, Kuo-Chi Liu, Po-Jen Cheng200912月)。Hydrodynamic stability analysis of thin electrically-conductive fluid film flowing down rotating vertical cylinder in a magnetic fieldProceedings of the 26th National Conference on Mechanical EngineeringTainan.
  58. 林欽澤,鄭博仁,劉國基(200912月)。生物熱傳遞的非傅立葉效應探討。第二十六屆機械工程研討會,台南。
  59. Kuo-Chi Liu, Yan-Nan Wang200911月)。Study for non‐fourier thermal behavior in tissueThe 7th Pacific Symposium on Flow Visualization and Image ProcessingKaohsiung, Taiwan
  60. 劉國基,鄭博仁,林欽澤(200812月)。遲滯非平衡熱傳遞過程之熱彈性分析。第二十五屆機械工程研討會,彰化 大村。



  1. 熱彈性和等效熱劑量估算對治療加熱能量需求的影響研究(112-2221-E-269-001-)
  2. 三相延遲生物熱傳遞模型在雷射照射組織中的熱傳遞行為分析的應用(112-2221-E-269-002-)
  3. 快速消融的等效熱劑量和功耗需求的評估(111-2221-E-269-001-)
  4. 熱傳與熱傷害評定模式對磁熱治療臨界功耗預測的影響評估(108-2221-E-269-001-)
  5. 快速消融的等效熱劑量和功耗需求的評估(111-2221-E-269 -001 -) 
  6. 熱傳與熱傷害評定模式對磁熱治療臨界功耗預測的影響評估(108-2221-E-269 -001 -)
  7. 直接與逆向分析血流灌注在腫瘤熱治療之效應(105-2221-E-269 -005 -MY2)
  8. 潔淨棉片的熱封包裝裝置與技術的研發(104-2622-E-269 -020 -CC3)
  9. 非平衡熱傳遞對雷射在多層組織引發熱損傷的效應研究(103-2221-E-269 -008 -)
  10. 可攜式自主熱電發電裝置的研製(102-2221-E-269 -013 -)
  11. 熱電自冷卻裝置的開發(101-2221-E-269 -006 -)
  12. 切削液儲槽之節能淨化冷卻技術的研發(101-2622-E-269 -022 -CC3)
  13. 複層介質受脈衝加熱的非線性雙相延遲行為研究(100-2221-E-269 -015 -)
  14. 非均質材料之雙相延遲熱傳導行為的探討與研究(99-2221-E-269 -010 -)
  15. 空間變動熱源對腫瘤加熱治療的熱效應分析(98-2221-E-269 -018 -)
  16. 球形熱源生物熱傳遞過程之非傅立葉效應的逆算探討與分析(97-2221-E-269 -023 -)
  17. 非平衡遲滯性熱傳遞過程之熱彈性探討(96-2221-E-269 -014 -)
  18. 極速加熱複層金屬薄膜所引致之非平衡熱行為分析(94-2212-E-269 -012 -)
  19. 快速鎖緊螺帽頂面點壓裝置之研發(94-2622-E-269 -052 -CC3)
  20. 以實驗數據逆算雙曲線型質量擴散性質(93-2212-E-269 -005 -)
  21. 低溫昇高速盲孔攻牙動力單元之研發(93-2622-E-269 -030 -CC3)


1. 石英晶體水熱製程技術之高壓釜維護與更新       希華晶體科技(股)公司南科分公司        2021/09/01~2022/02/28

2. 石英晶體水熱製程技術之高壓釜維護與更新第二期   希華晶體科技(股)公司南科分公司    2022/11/01~2023/03/31

3. 提升石英水熱合成製程密封管理維護與更新計畫       希華晶體科技(股)公司南科分公司    2023/10/23~2024/10/23


  1. 內螺紋檢測的流程與技術規劃      金屬工業研究中心        2018/05/01~2018/10/31
  2. 107年度產業中小能源用戶節能推廣計畫   財團法人台灣綠色生產力基金會  2018/04/01~2018/11/30


1.     協助希華晶體科技(股)公司南科分公司優化晶體製程。

2.     協助建華實業公司切削液槽的淨化及散熱改善。

3.     協助捷胤有限公司開發清潔棉片熱封包裝機。

4.     參與製定氣壓檢定題目與檢定規範,協助業界人才的訓練。

5.     參與勞委會機電整合技術人員訓練。

6.     協助職訓中心編訂氣壓控制訓練教材。









M 340438

劉國基 謝惠珠




M 402149





M 401753





M 408137






劉國基 鄭博仁





劉國基 陳遠新





陳遠新 劉國基 劉小曼 陳柏宇 劉佳佑













  1. 名列2020、2021、2022、2023年「全球前2%頂尖科學家(World's Top 2% Scientists)」終身和年度科學影響力排行榜。
  2. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 傑出論文評論者。
  3. International Journal of Thermal Science傑出論文評論者。
  4. Journal of Thermal Biology傑出論文評論者。
  5. 多次獲得科技部(國科會)大專校院特殊優秀人才獎勵。
  6. 獲得Who's Who in the World終身成就獎的推薦
  7. 2013.08–2017.07獲得遠東科技大學特聘教授榮譽。


  1. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2023技術委員會委員。(2023. 04)
  2. The 9th IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2023論文獎。(2023. 04)
  3. 中國機械工程學會第四十屆全國學術研討會論文審查委員。(2023. 11)
  4. The 13th International Conference on Computational Methods 研討會議主持人。(2022. 07)
  5. Proceedings of 2021 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering 籌備與專業委員會委員。(2021.10)
  6. 國家教育研究院熱機類教科書審查委員。(2021.08)
  7. 國立成功大學機械系博士學位口試委員。(2019. 2020.)
  8. 2020 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering 科技審查委員。(2020. 10)
  9. 國立高雄科技大學模具系學術講座演講。(2019.11)
  10. 國家教育研究院控制類教科書審查委員。(2019.08)
  11. 台灣機電工程國際學會理事。(2018.07)
  12. 2018 International Conference on Mechatronic, Automobile, and Environment Engineering 籌備與專業委員會委員。
  13. 擔任SCI期刊論文審查委員(2018~2023):
    • AIAA Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer
    • Applied Mathematical Modelling
    • Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering
    • Computers and Mathematics with Applications
    • Heat Transfer Engineering
    • International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
    • International Journal of Computational Method
    • International Journal of Engineering Science
    • International Journal for Computation Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics
    • International Journal of Thermal Science
    • International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
    • Journal of Thermal Biology
    • Journal of Mechanics
    • Medical Engineering & Physics
    • Numerical Heat Transfer Part A
    • The European Physical Journal Plus



  1. WPC處理對球墨鑄鐵表面放電合金化層微結構及腐蝕特性之影響,2018,莊棋凱。
  2. 沃斯回火熱處理對球墨鑄鐵表面含固溶強化與碳化物促進元素放電合金化層之微結構與表面性能影響研究,2013,周敬智。
  3. 可程式控制器程式設計技術的發展與驗證,2011,林揚祥。
  4. 以溶膠-凝膠法製備SiOC薄膜,2011,李齊恩。
  5. 腫瘤熱治療的非傅立葉效應分析,2009,林田葳。
  6. 乳房腫瘤的溫度效應分析,2008,曾子豪。


  1. 夾具設計與製作 : 虎鉗製作,翁誌陽;王茂偉;白世英;邱泰翰;劉文富著,2000
  2. 精巧虎鉗之改良與製作,邱景隆;方麗茹;葉忠綺;鄭啟仁;鄭淑方著,2000
  3. 熱洩漏量測與校正裝置設計與製造,黃金漢;王嘉銘;許士程;趙偉志著,2001
  4. 傾斜管自然對流研究,童文楓;李嘉偉;翁沅慶;黃茂璟;張達仁著,2001
  5. 儲存桶熱分層裝置設計與製作,許文銓;曾鴻喬;龔振銘;黃士郁;黃福民著,2001
  6. 內管熱傳係數量測裝置設計與製作,張益銘;周宗興;林仁凱;楊順安;沈建甫著,2001
  7. 自走式曝曬機設計與製作,陳昭榮;李芸諼;莊猛富;王百慶著,2002
  8. 熱工實驗教學媒體系統製作,陳厚村;方陽;張榮松著,2002
  9. 隔熱建材之熱傳導度量測,林秉達;張智成;徐春志;蘇厚嘉著,2003
  10. 曝曬機自走系統之設計與製作,陳盈儒;蕭朝全;顧家銘;吳俊緯;許展彰著,2003
  11. 氣壓驅動平板式熱傳導係數量測夾持機構製作,林世樺;陳稟諄;黃朝淇;賴俊宏;蔡勳緯著,2006
  12. 書畫紙烘乾方法構思與實現,張秀銀;涂茜涵;林欣怡;蔡芮昕;王婷鈺著,2006
  13. 太陽能避暑寵物屋,莊政昌;黃昶暉;洪彥民;吳秉宸著,2007
  14. 材料散熱性能之紅外線檢測,吳振瑋; 楊智欽; 李銘哲; 駱俊諭著,2008
  15. 熱傳導係數量測法的實驗驗證,劉彥志; 葉洺瑋; 陳沐鍇; 楊勝勛著,2009
  16. 致冷晶片應用 : 水族箱冷卻,李大吉;蘇銀德;胡強生著,2010
  17. 熱電轉換發電鍋蓋研製,朱峰辰;林聖文;李琳珠;詹智宇著,2016
  18. 熱空氣引擎模型車實作,郭啟寬;吳展委;黃暐哲;蔡弼銓著,2017
  19. 低溫熱電轉換裝置製作,吳宇祥;陳建銘;賴帛群;孟慶晏著,2011
  20. 透鏡集熱式熱電發電裝置,施韋仲;潘丞耀;吳挺宇;簡昌祺著,2011
  21. 溫控汽車椅面製作,凃忠信;王博生;李煜燻;沈禹利著,2012
  22. 自冷式熱電裝置製作,林俊宏;陳毅修;蘇冠瑋;劉冠旻;林瑋琮著,2012
  23. 機車排氣管廢熱回收裝置製作,吳維庭;黃啟東;黃建源;沈子翔;鄭雨良著,2013
  24. 可攜式電熱轉換裝置,吳柏毅;宋楚文;溫志雄;黃平姍;蔡慶宗著,2013
  25. 史特林引擎製作,朱英傑;林宇謙;陳柏彥;王裕富;胡博翔著,2014
  26. 太陽能引動通風裝置研製,沈政達;劉建宏;張生中;何昇峰;蘇盈任著,2014
  27. 太陽能池水加熱模型裝置製作,何哲維;張彥銨;陳代瀚;謝銘輝著,2015
  28. 太陽能與人力能合併充電於單車的應用,陳建宏;黃建霖;劉權廣;林柏輝;殷唯中著,2018
  29. 精簡型環與圓盤(Ring on Disk)對磨耗損測試系統建構與驗證,陳弘偉;黃閎裕;羅智倫;吳漢輝著,2020



  1. 熱電致冷行動冰箱之性能改善研究(94-2815-C-269-008-E),林聖尉。
  2. 溫度因變熱傳導率預估方法的實驗研究(98-2815-C-269-001-E),吳政特。
  3. 實際操作溫度對熱電模組發電性能影響的實驗研究(102-2815-C-269-011-E),蔡佳延。
